Below is what I carried for this trip to Alaska. For this most part, this is also what went on the previous two big trips – except the redundant items like parts tools, etc. were split between two bikes. A bit more to pack and carry going solo. I absolutely have items I will most likely not use in terms of parts, clothes, etc, but had them on hand and they were small enough to not affect volume much.
Helmet, BMW Rallye 3 Jacket, BMW Rallye 2 Pants, Sidi Canyon Boots, Klim Leather Gloves, Ikon Waterproof Gloves.

2 Pair Convertible Pants, 1 Pair Shorts, 2 Short Sleeve Synthetic T’s, 2 Short Sleeve Cotton T’s, 2 Long Sleeve Synthetic T’s, 1 Wool Long Sleeve T, 1 Long Sleeve Synthetic Collar, 1 Short Sleeve Synthetic Collar, 4 Socks, 4 Boxer Briefs

35/50 Degree Flip Sleeping Bag, Inflatable Sleeping Pad, Sleeping Bag Liner, Inflatable Pillow, LED Headlamp, LED Lantern, Soup Pot, Drinking Cup, Jack Knife, Water Filter, Water Purification Tablets, Head Mosquito Net, DEET, Bear Spray, Air Horn, Zip Ties, Koozie

Tool Kit, Tire Irons, Tube Patch Supplies, Jumper Cables w/ Lithium Battery Pack, WD40, Volt Meter, Oil Filters, Rope

MSR Stove, Fuel Can, LED Tail Light, Wheel Bearings, Brake Pads, O-Rings, Spare Bolts, Chain Master Link, Spark Plugs, Plug Socket

Garmin In-Reach, Sunglasses, Camera, Passport, Oil, Ear Plugs, Pressure Gauge

Not Pictured: Nemo 2-Man Tent, Ground Cloth, Small Toiletry Kit, Small Camp Towel, Trail Shoes, Choco Sandals, Small First Aid Kit, Garmin Montana 600 GPS, Heated Jacket Liner, MacBook Pro, iPhone, 2000 Suzuki DR650